It was a slow morning in Seduwa.
We were only going as far as Num this day so nothing happened fast this morning.
This is strongman's wife preparing rice.
The neighbours in the next house were ploughing their fields.
They hire the guy with the buffalo and plough when needed each year.
Longman was again given the task of preparing breakfast.
Mark had heard of a fermented milk drink called 'dude' and we had asked strongman to source for us.
Turns out 'dhoodh' is just the Hindi word for milk.
Strongman had been out for a while and arrived back with a flask of buffalo milk.
I was a little nervous of the consequences of unpasteurized milk but they warmed it and it tasted fine.
When breakfast arrived it was almost a repeat of the previous nights dinner.
We felt we must finish the goat as strongman had really gone out of his way to get this for us.
There are times when maybe you would be better to pretend you are a vegetarian when travelling.
Strongman's father was busy around the house as we were preparing to leave.
We headed off towards Num.
We cam across these guys who were flattening bamboo.
This is the first step in creating the bamboo screens we had seen the previous day.
The walk to Num was hot and sweaty.
It took us about 1 hr to get from Strongman's house down to the Arun river.
It then took over 2 hours to climb back up the far side of the valley to Num.
Advantage was back to Elaine as myself and Mark were both overheating on the climb.
We got to Num and decided to stay in the same teahouse we had on the way out.
This time I was given a room on the upper level off the back of a dorm.
It was bigger than the one I had previously and not above the bathroom - a significant upgrade.
We went for a stroll and found a small restaurant selling samosas at the end of the square.
They were served with a tasty pea soup.
Cost for four of us eating lunch there was Rs 160.
We grabbed a couple of beers and spent much of the afternoon chilling at a small gazebo at the top of the town.
We got back to the teahouse and the kid who lived there was happy to see us back.
He was a playful little guy so I spent some time winding him up.
Playing with the kid from the teahouse somehow turned into being the entertainment for half the town.
I had a gang of local kids singing the alphabet and counting as loud as they could.
It was fun winding them up.
This is how the kids looked after being wound up..
After the excitement in the square we went inside for dinner.
The Dal Bhat served here was much more varied than what you would find further up the mountains.
It was served with tomatoes and some really tasty pickles.
The teahouse had many Nepali folk staying this night.
They weren't served dinner till we were done.
After all the fun of winding up the kids of Num I felt the need to wind up the adults too.
Num really is much more fun than it looks when you first arrive.
Weather: One hat day. The walk from Seduwa to Num was very hot. The afternoon in Num was also warm but it cooled down a lot in the evening.

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